Friday, September 23, 2005

passed out cold Posted by Picasa

sometimes you see people passed out in the streets from ... well, partying? but not often you see them passed out in a phone booth. pretty funny, taken in Shibuya while waiting for a cab. Wonder how this guy got home. Safest place though for the most part, even after passing out the worst that usually happens is that you get some blue shirt trying to wake you up telling you that you can't sleep there (or so I hear...)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ronaldino & Ronaldino & Ronaldino...

Ronaldino! Posted by Picasa

a sweet ad for Konica feature a team full of Ronaldino's. Don't know how good a keeper he is but he is an amazing midfielder and forward and probably defender. Lots of these ads now adorning the subway station walls.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Mr Rubik would be proud

2005 Posted by Picasa

Yes, this is a Rubik cube contest held in Tokyo in the lobby of an upscale shopping mall. Those guys could put together all sides of a Rubik's cube in less than 2 minutes from a standstill. Never seen such a display live and in person. Ahhh... the Rubik's cube, so eighties.