Sunday, October 30, 2005

street band

street band Posted by Picasa

was out in Shinjuku and there is this square on the south side of the station. they are always handing out flyers there, selling doner kebabs etc... today there was a band there playing some music, they were pretty good so we stopped to listen for a bit. you can actually check out their music here including a clip of their music. the site is actually pretty good and in english or korean as well.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

free food!

free food! Posted by Picasa

biked out to Shibuya to take care of some errands and walked by the parco department store and as usual they had an event happening. this time it was free okonomi-yaki!! free food in the middle of one of the trendy areas of tokyo = lineup. we got our samples pretty quickly though and it was a nice little snack. cool thing about tokyo is they always seem to have these random promotional events in the happening areas. I guess that's why those areas are happening... doh.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

festive festive

festive area Posted by Picasa

was on the way home from work and headed over to the maru building (literally translated, the 'round' building) and they had this setup in the big open lobby area. didn't take a good look but I think it was some sort of display which had a lot of Japanese festive boats and costumes on display.

Monday, October 24, 2005

bubble tower Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 14, 2005


sign Posted by Picasa

a sign outside a restaurant/bar which means... who knows... another sign of engrish in japan.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

off the wall shampoo

off the wall shampoo Posted by Picasa

was walking down the promenade behind Shinjuku station again when they had an interesting campaign with some shampoo stuck on the wall. Each section was covered with a different shampoo/conditioner and people were free to take a sample for themselves. It was a free for all as people were grabbing two or three shampoo sample packets left right and center. let's just say the wall was pretty ball after a few minutes.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

the pink... camel?

the pink camel Posted by Picasa

walking around in Ginza outside the Mikimoto pearl store when you see this big pink camel. think it is related with the pink ribbon campaign but unusual to see such a large coloured camel.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


arse? Posted by Picasa

a bar in Azabu has a most interesting sign out front. the name of the bar is 'majiri' which is literally 'horse's arse' hence the sign.... coool. does look like the horse had a collision with the building though.