Sunday, March 26, 2006


car-er-ahh... Posted by Picasa

recently spotted in downtown tokyo is the rarely sighted porsche carrera. apparently only a couple of hundred in production and a few in japan. didn't even recognize it and had to look it up on the web...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

part 1: guess what

guess what? Posted by Picasa

just your average toilet brush found in a boutique store in downtown tokyo...

part 2: guess what

part 2 Posted by Picasa

yes, what every person who has everything needs! the $250 toilet brush!

luck of the irish!

Posted by Picasa

it was by chance that we wandered upon the annual st patrick's day parade in omotesando! it was pretty windy that day and I felt sorry for the people who were holding up banners as they had to hold it up against the wind and the school girls who were in the parade wearing but their dance costumes which did not look too warm... a little weird to be seeing bagpipes and japanese people with kilts too.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

red bull boost

red bull boost Posted by Picasa

I've heard of using NOS to give your car a little boost but this is borderline ridiculous. imagine the kick you get when that red bull boost kicks in.

hooligans in japan

hooligans in japan? Posted by Picasa

went to watch a football match in tokyo and this sign was posted in the entrance of the home backstand side. translated it reads 'no one wearing away goods is permitted past this point. home fans area' apparently they had some issues when some away fans wandered into the home side backstand and they got beat up or tussled. yes, football hooligans in japan! now only if they could play ball like in europe... was a terrible game that was only saved by the beer.

bc in tokyo station

bc in tokyo station Posted by Picasa

is kind of nice to see images of back home in tokyo. sometimes they advertise ontario or alberta but this time it was bc.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

the panda in downtown tokyo!

panda panda! Posted by Picasa

does anyone remember this old time relic? amongst all the fancy euro cars and the high tech nipponese cars there are sometimes old school panda's! yes, the fiat panda...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

everybody clear!

clear! Posted by Picasa

yes. that's a defibrillator folks. saw one in the station on the way home and had to laugh at the instructions 'do not use unless emergency' which got me thinking, what other uses for a defribillator are there? cooking potatoes really really quickly? shocking your drunken friends back into consciousness? ohhh the possibilities, the possibilities...