Friday, February 18, 2005

funny neighbours

oops Posted by Hello

Some crazy things happening first thing Friday... actually from Thursday evening. I come home late and see the following signs posted all over the neighbour's door on the second floor. A little bit of history but back in January the light in his room was on 24-7 and he had newspapers piled up. At first I thought he was away on vacation but then the light never went off and the newspapers never went away. At a friend's house party the story was told and this neighbour was then christened 'the dead neighbour'

I talked to my landlord, with whom I have a hard time communicating with even though we speak the same language, and she said that he is 'studying hard' or something like that. I have seen this neighbour a couple of times and he is about twice as old as any student I have seen but I let it slide.

Anyhow, to get to Thursday night, I come home late at night and find these posters on his door... translated it says 'Mr Shimizu, please contact us. We will do you no harm. the landlord' hmmm.... tres strange...Friday morning was quite an ordeal as well. Apparently some water mains burst in the apartment complex and my neighbour is frantically running up and down the stairs. I had to scoot to work but it looked like the watermain on the 4th floor burst and it was leaking into the 3rd floor apartment.

Moral of this post: maybe it is time to start looking into a new apartment.


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