Monday, July 18, 2005


exciting!? Posted by Picasa

not sure what is so exciting about this bookstore but I dare not venture in without the proper frame of mind... if anyone wants to go to the 'exciting' bookstore, the village vangaurd it's in Jiyugaoka

Sunday, July 17, 2005


meow Posted by Picasa

sometimes you get people who dress up like it's halloween but only it's not halloween. actually there is no real concept of halloween in Japan so I guess any day can be halloween. either way some funny costumes in Akihabara, which is known as geek town in Tokyo as it's where all the electronics stores are as well as the computer store heaven. I wonder where these girls were off to though...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

high sign

high sign Posted by Picasa

must have been a night all about signs.

walking to the train station to head home. saw this big crane setup and some guys fixing the signs on the side of the building. after almost 5 years in tokyo there are still many firsts to be had. all about the signs...

james... call Q!

james... call Q! Posted by Picasa

must suck when you drive an Aston Martin and the garage door will not close because the nose sticks out too much.


security! Posted by Picasa

It seems like Japan is all about being very reactionary in many aspects. Days after the London bombing they have suddenly posted security guards in the many public areas, especially the subways and stations. One funny thing though, the security guards are old enough to be my grandfather a few times over. Yes, they do not look a day over...80? I read this article on people continuing to contribute when they are older but...

Friday, July 15, 2005

what kind of sign??

what kind of sign? Posted by Picasa

this sign is

a) you can get counseling from master yoda in the bathroom
b) there is a waiting room for both little people and regular sized people when in queue
c) when doubling over from the pain of waiting, we can provide one on one assistance from little people
d) i have no idea.... fill in the blanks?

taken at Gonpachi Shibuya


wasaaaaaabi? Posted by Picasa

so Friday night after a long week and what do I do? end up at a nice sushi bar with a couple of guy friends drinking water... could be due to the fact that we were all out the night before celebrating a birthday but to be honest a nice night out chilling with the boyz. this particular sushi bar was quite nice and is kind of like the 'backroom' of a different restaurant. I had been a little late and walked into the restaurant but couldn't find my two friends. I asked the seater/greeter and he led me to the sushi 'backroom' three guys eating up some killer sushi in the backroom on a friday night. was goooooood sushi though, would recommend the spicy (tres) tuna roll and the fatty tuna was the bomb.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

slow dance j-dramas

slow dance - j-dramas Posted by Picasa

was on the train when I saw this ad for a japanese drama tv show called 'slow dance' j-dramas are pretty corny and you really only need to see maybe the first episode and the last episode to know what's going on and what happened. kind of funny because they are usually on a 12-13 episode schedule and they all start at the same time in the fall/winter/spring/summer and even the casts seem to rotate but the story seems the same same. boy and girl, didn't know they were really in love, yada yada yada and then in the end they figure it out and end up together. hai, finito...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

movie shot!

movie shot?? Posted by Picasa

met up with a friend today and parked the rental in the basement of the Tokyo International Forum which is a concert hall and convention center in the heart of Tokyo. the design is quite striking with a lot of glass and multi-level layout. I think from the outside it is supposed to look like a boat but from the inside it's even cooler. there is a little bit of an open square on the left outside the window area, which is ground level. this picture is taken on the B1 level. on the right are some halls where they have some concerts and maybe movie theatres?? come by quite often but don't stop by inside very often. is definately one of the cooler buildings in tokyo. looks like it could definately be used as a movie set doesn't it?