Saturday, February 26, 2005

Pool with a view

pool with a view Posted by Hello

Played poker today for 5 hours at the Tokyo American Club, it was pretty sweet since they have a backroom with a poker table for 8 which is blocked off and where you can just gamble away, hahaha!! It was my first time playing with this group but it was a good time and I came out well ahead so no complaints there. One of the guys we played with lives in the Atago Hills which is quite a posh building owned/built by the Mori building group. The original founder, Mr Mori was at the height of the Japanese bubble and before the rise of Microsoft, the richest man in the world and has many many large scale real estate projects in the heart of downtown Tokyo. One of his company's (family now) premier projects/developments is the Atago hills, two 40 some odd story towers, one residential and one office with the lower floors also having some shops/restaurants.

So the one guy lives on the 35th floor and we were treated to dinner on the 42nd floor private restaurant. The guy came out with the biggest winnings of the night and was feeling quite generous. After dinner he showed us around the workout/gym facilities which were also located on the 42nd floor. All I have to say is amazing... The picture is from the pool area, I think it is a 25 meter pool, 3 lanes but the coolest thing is the views which you have while working out or relaxing. Even the shower/bathing areas have some windows where you can see the Tokyo scene. As you can see the pool is looking over to the Tokyo tower and if you go out to the window you can literally see all of Tokyo laid out before you. ahhh, the luxury...


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