Sunday, March 13, 2005

Japanese fruit stands

fruit stand Posted by Hello

This is a fruit stand right outside the station closest to my house. It is one of the typical mom and pop shops where they sell fruit. It is a nice little stand but the curious way in which Japanese fruit is arranged and sold is pretty cool. As you can see everything is presented meticulously and of course the prices also correspond... the strawberries are all arranged individually and they are of similar sizing, colour, quality etc... I have to say though that the fruit here in Japan is unmatched in both their taste and price! My cousin told me that it is because the way in which they eat fruit is more for dessert or as a treat than as a snack item. People cut the fruit up in smaller pieces and serve it to guests and not like me, bite into a whole apple and eat it like that. Makes sense since fruit is also a very common gift when you go over to someones house or just because as a thoughtful gesture. I have to say that yes, I have paid 5dollars for about 20 strawberries but they are guaranteed to taste good and not have any bad ones and I don't think twice about it now.


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