Wednesday, March 16, 2005

view from hotel...

view from the hotel Posted by Hello

another day in Osaka, this time got hooked up in the Nikko hotel. It is a nice hotel, ended up with a twin room instead of a single which was nice but to be honest since I am staying by myself and spend almost no time there, anything would do... The hotel is uniquely shaped, you can check out the link I have attached as well. it was about a 10-15 minute walk to my office which was ideal because when the weather is nice it is a pleasant walk.

I was put up on the 11th floor of 32 I think and this is the view from the window. Nothing much to see but the interesting thing is the statue of liberty which I suspect is either a love hotel or a pachinko parlour. Osaka seems to have a lot less tall buildings than Tokyo and the people are much more approachable. Definately a different feel.


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